Friday, May 30, 2008

Anne Ahira | Dr. Donna Schwontkowski

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Overcoming Obstacles In Writing Your Ebook, Part 1 By Dr. Donna Schwontkowski

It's easy to let obstacles stand in our way of writing an ebook but the problem is that your ebook gets pushed off to the side for another week, another month, another year and then before you know it, life is over!

Certainly that's a little dramatic, but really, what are some of the reasons that we postpone writing our ebook? A lot of it may have to do with fear.

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We may be afraid of "all the time it's going to take." The thought of tackling another project seems too overwhelming. Ebooks do take a lot of time when there's no plan of action from the start. It's similar to leaving on a trip to a new location without having a map.

We may be afraid of being exposed for poor writing ability. "What if someone sees that I made a mistake in my grammar," we may think. "Then they'll think I am stupid." There are ways around this, too.

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Anne Ahira | James Erickson

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Are You Or Your Staff The Thing That's Standing Between Your Dental Practice And Your Profit? By James Erickson

I'm always on the lookout to tell people if they are doing a great job. Lately, I've even found myself letting those that are not, know as well. In fact, I believe it was a mentor of mine, Ralph Oats, who pointed out:

"If you don't let people know when they are doing things right and when they are doing things wrong, they'll never know!"

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Ralph was really into letting people know when they were screwing up so they would stop doing it wrong and start doing it right. Lord only knows how long it might take them to learn otherwise! And, I firmly believe, as the CEO of your practice, YOU are responsible for letting folks know when they are doing well and when they need some help! Why leave it to chance?

Perfect example: Recently I was making a bank deposit at the bank, which holds our home mortgage. I pulled up to the drive-thru, put my information into the clear tube, and zapped it over to the teller. Grabbing the clear tube, the teller punched some buttons, after a few seconds, maybe 15, put the deposit receipt back into the tube, and zapped it back to me.

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Anne Ahira | Stewart Baker

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Guest Chairs For Your Office - Picking The Right Ones By Stewart Baker

Guest chairs are a part of the office that are not often given much consideration, but they are an important part of the office. Even if you have only a cubical or a small office, if you get many guests or people stopping by to speak with you or ask questions, it is good to have a chair available for them to sit in. When you think about it, the other alternatives are to stand up with them the whole time they are in your office or stare awkwardly upward for the entire visit. Either one is an unattractive alternative to being able to sit and talk face to face.

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The types of chairs you get for your office may vary depending on the style and decorations already there. You may have a set design that your company provides, so you don't really have a say in what type of chairs go in your office. If you do have a choice, try finding ones that are comfortable and inviting so your guests will feel at ease. Darker colors are common for guest chairs, mostly because the tend to go with everything. The object is not to draw attention to the guest chairs but just to have them accent the furniture that is already there.

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Anne Ahira | Ron Manila

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - 5 Steps To Success By Ron Manila

Ever wanted to know how companies in the big leagues stay successful, then read below.

If you ever thought about becoming part of a home based business or had a service to offer then the 5 steps to success below will help guide you along the way.

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Step #1 Start off with a plan, figure out what type of business or service you want to offer your market. Then once you have figured that out sit down and create a business plan.

Step #2 Set yourself up with short and long term goals, with this is place you will always have goals you have to reach.

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Anne Ahira | Kelly Skarda

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Business Appraisals - Understanding The ABCs Of Business Valuation Designations By Kelly Skarda

Understanding business valuation designations is like reading a bowl of alphabet soup. Each three-letter abbreviation may sound impressive, but they mean nothing at all. While confusing for clients and their professional advisers, it is important to remember that not all designations are equal. Depending on the associations, appraisers are required to demonstrate varying degrees of experience and aptitude.

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The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has awarded the Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) designation for CPAs engaging in business appraisals since 1997. Currently, there are about 2,200 ABVs in the country.

All ABVs are licensed CPAs who have completed at least ten business valuations and have passed a one-hour proctored exam. However, unlike some of the other accreditations, the AICPA does not require a peer-review process, but ABVs must demonstrate involvement in at least five business valuation engagements and 60 hours of continuing education courses every three years.

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Anne Ahira | Lawrence Koplow

The Need For Experienced Representation In DUI Cases By Lawrence Koplow

Arizona's new DUI law is one of the strictest in the nation, and penalties are now tougher than ever. An Arizona DUI arrest can result in a license suspension, fines, and longer jail time. At Koplow and Patane, we remind you that there are ways to navigate even the most difficult DUI charges, but not if you go it alone. Visit us online and learn why it is imperative to a qualified DUI attorney standing with you.

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DUI Case Representation

Often those caught up in an Arizona drunk driving situation make the mistake of thinking their situation is hopeless. This is almost never the case. An even bigger problem is that people often are not aware of the potential consequences. For example, most people are unaware that a DUI conviction will result in an interlock device in their car. This device requires them to blow into it before the car will start. Moreover, a judge can order the device for significantly longer than the minimum of one year. Boaters should know they are not immune either. An OUI, or operating under the influence, carries stiff penalties and will require the help of an Arizona OUI attorney. The Arizona legislature recently moved to increase the penalties for boating DUI convictions.

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Anne Ahira | Mikhail Hutton

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - How Do I Qualify The Right Prospects? by Mikhail Hutton

I often wonder what people mean when they say they are pre-qualifying people. In traditional brick and mortar businesses you are pre-qualified to find out whether or not you are an excellent fit to work with the other people in your corporate environment, for the company, and overall for the image of its leaders. It's been my experience that this is especially true for smaller companies like law firms, small PR agencies, and even your local car wash.

Think about the questions they ask you:

Why do you want to work with us?

What are your goals?

Can you see yourself with our company 5 years from now?

What's your background and how does that fit with what we're doing?

You resume said......can you please explain that?

In a Joint Venture it's a bit deeper than that but often times both parties will want to know what skills both people are bringing to the table. What are your habits in a self-driven environment? They will find out if an idea can be sustainable in the long run and if they can be the big players in that market. No one puts up cash to be 7th, 8th, or 9th and if you are then I need to know your number so we can make sure you don't walk other people down this horrible form of business suicide.
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Anne Ahira | David Cantliffe

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Getting The Best Deal From All Your Vendors by David Cantliffe

There's waste in your operating budget that can be recovered ...if you know where to look and how to free it up. The waste is being caused by overpaying for equipment and services. From my experience, it's not just a couple of dollars either. My clients are shocked to discover they were wasting hundreds of thousands (sometime millions) of hard dollars.

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Although my expertise lies within one industry, the concepts we use to enhance the value you receive from a vendor works for any industry, product or service. "Enhancing value" means lowering the hard dollar cost for products or services while maintaining or improving vendor service support levels. When I initially meet with prospective clients, the idea of being able to reduce copy, print and fax costs, while at the same time improving vendor performance is usually met with some level of skepticism. Statements are made like: "we already have the best deal possible, or I have a great relationship with my vendor, I know they are giving us the best deal possible."

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Anne Ahira | David Marlow

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - A Catered Meeting Equals Professionalism By David Marlow

Some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies pride themselves in novel ways to motivate their employees and improve their client relationships. Do you know what the best motivator can be during a long business meeting? Good food!

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Catering can motivate and improve any business meeting, and add that "extra" professional touch that will distinguish your company apart from the rest. Business catering becomes especially important when you have to entertain new business partners and professionals. The first impression of your new associate is always the most important.

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Anne Ahira | Cash Miller

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Cash Flow Is King! by Cash Miller

The first thing we need to make clear is what exactly is cash flow? This is how I explain cash flow. It is the amount of money you have left during a given period of time once all your bills are paid. But lets not confuse this with profit and loss statements. Cash flow is a physical thing, how much actual cash is left in the bank. Profit and loss statements are recordings in your financial statements but don't reflect physically held money. And it's cash on hand we're most concerned about.

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Now if you run a retail business that generates immediate cash from each sale then cash flow and profit and loss statements will more closely reflect each other. But if your business is in the position of having to bill your customers and then waiting to get paid then cash flow becomes the more important of the two.

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Anne Ahira | Ed Bones

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Risk Management by Ed Bones

In each human endeavour there is an element of risk; personal, project or financial, or a combination of them all. The job of the responsible individual is to identify the risk and act accordingly. We all do these 'risky' things, almost daily, aware that we are taking a risk. Rather than staying away from the risk we become adept at identifying it and having a strategy for dealing with it if the risk materialises. This is what risk management is about, and is an ability that is important in virtually every endeavour.

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The popular misconception that risk management is difficult or complicated stems from the bureaucratic methodology of some system-oriented organisations and managers. It is neither complicated or bureaucratic, and need not be. Risk management is basically a simple proposition with a complexity dictated by the nature of the situation to which it applies - usually a project, and the parties involved.

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Anne Ahira | Kim Schott

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - They Laughed After I Innovated A Niche - Then I Showed Them How I Was Growing Rich! by Kim Schott

Quote: "All ideas are a new combination of old ideas, and that the only way to get ideas is to study the principles and basis behind current happenings." - Jay Abraham

If I were to make an educated guess, I bet I would find lots of professionals around the globe who consider themselves "shoulda" experts. As in, "I shoulda done that".

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As a Global Client Communication Mentor, I hear this message from clients all the time. Self-Employed professionals feel that they need to copy what their competitors are doing, they feel that they should be doing the same thing. After all, I need to keep up with my competition right? Well, not exactly.

My standard answer is: True, the ability to model you business after another business that has a niche is your fastest path to cash. However, your clients still want to know how your unique talents will solve their problem. Your clients buy your products or services because of Y-O-U. And, people who are unique and specialized, get paid the most and are sought after more often.

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Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Are You Ready To Earn Cash By Taking Online Surveys? By Chris Simpson

You've heard about people making money completing surveys online, and you're interested in starting a stay-at-home paid survey yourself.

Here are a few things you should know before you start registering with paid survey companies. First, experiences vary with online surveys, so be prepared for some hard work and organization. It takes time for this type of work to be lucrative. People who succeed are the ones who research plan and prepare.

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Do a lot of research. Don't just look up companies that offer paid survey work, but look to different websites and resources that have valuable information about the types of companies you should look for. Search for opinions and experiences that people have had to make sure that you are choosing the "right" companies and not just wasting your time.

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Anne Ahira | Adele Sommers

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - 5 Ways To Finesse Budget Discussions For New Client Projects by Adele Sommers

Do you find it challenging to engage in budget discussions for new projects -- especially during initial client meetings when it can be easy to make promises that might be difficult to keep? If so, this article explores five ways to help you gracefully avoid backing yourself into a corner.

It All Begins Innocently Enough...

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Imagine that you're meeting with prospective clients for the first time. You're excited about the prospect of launching a mutually rewarding working relationship that will produce gratifying follow-on engagements.

You listen carefully as the clients explain the project that requires your attention. At the end of the discussion, you feel confident that you and your team can exceed their expectations. With delight, you describe your ideas to your clients, who appear thrilled with your concept and can't wait to get started.

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Anne Ahira | Eshwarya Patel

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Traveling To Asia For Business Purposes by Eshwarya Patel

As the dollar plummets, demand for exports to Asia will increase, exporting of labour to Asia will increase, and the overall economies in Asia will benefit. What America cannot consume due to the weakening dollar can be consumed by other nations. It is a fallacy to think that the world is dependent on America's consumption.

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With all that said, business travel to Asia for many Americans will become a necessary part of survival for many companies. And here are some tips that any savvy businessman ought to know as they travel far east.

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Anne Ahira | Patrick C Bedford

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Tissot Watches In Sports by Patrick C Bedford

Tissot is the official timekeeper of five major international disciplines: MotoGP, NASCAR®, Cycling, Ice Hockey, and Fencing. In addition, Tissot also has a history of partnership with major international multi-sports events including the Pan-American Games Rio de Janeiro. Sports reflect Tissot's brand values of precision, performance, and prestige, whilst always looking to push the boundaries further in pursuit of excellence. Let's take a closer look at Tissot's relations to the five major sports it is the official timekeeper of:

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MotoGP As the official timekeeper of the MotoGP World Championship, Tissot reinforces its dedication and commitment to supporting sport at the highest level and offering the best and most spectacular entertainment to a wide audience around the world.

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Anne Ahira | Linda Feinholz

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Build Your Business By The Numbers by Linda Feinholz

I've spent a lot of time in meetings during the past two weeks and I found myself noticing opportunities for productivity that my clients kept missing. Each time, I spotted the same missing element: no one was keeping their eye on the numbers.

A manufacturer was using two entire days for his monthly management meeting. That's Days! Not hours!

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A financial advisor insisted he's "been at his work so long there are no new ideas for marketing my business.

An executive coach was planning a retreat for her clients that was focused on strategy, without naming their goals.

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Anne Ahira | Perry Burns

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Businesses At Severe Risk If They Don't Embrace Web 2.0 by Perry Burns

Web 2.0 is not a new technology. Rather it is a whole new way of thinking about information, other people and how they interact. This will have an increasingly important effect on the way that companies do business.

Web 2.0 is distinct from web design and requires a change the way firms interact with their customers at every stage of the sales cycle. The key findings in the survey were:

1. Companies are still running their internet presence as a passive marketing exercise with little or no regard for the strategic repercussions of Web 2.0.

2. Many businesses are unaware of Web 2.0 and its implications.

3. The majority of businesses have no plans to update their strategy for Web 2.0.

4. Half of the respondents attributed no observable change in business performance from the web.

5. 65 per cent of respondents reported that they had an internet browser open all the time.

6. 95 per cent of the respondents confirmed that the Internet was indispensable to their work.

7. 97 per cent of respondents agreed completely or to an extent that the internet was their primary research tool.

8. 60 per cent of respondents reported that their main mode of written communication was by email.

9.Only 64 per cent of Chief Executives had come across the term Web 2.0.

10. The Wikipedia definition of Web 2.0 was originally an accurate and reliable source of information.

11. Almost half of companies used a design consultant rather than a specialist employee to maintain their web site.

12. Few businesses had embraced online selling.

13. Only 4 per cent of our sample had commissioned an outside specialist to manage their SEO.

14. Just over half of businesses use the web to distribute sales, marketing & communication collateral.

15. There is a remarkable disregard for the importance of web site optimization.

16. Less than a fifth of businesses have implemented a keyword strategy.

17. Less than a quarter have taken action to ensure that they are "number 1" for their chosen search terms.

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Anne Ahira | Herman Adcox

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Applying For A Job - Now And Then By Herman Adcox

Dad was an old time mechanic; he could fix just about anything having to do with automotive devices. I recall him saying many times that all he needed to work on a Model T was a pair of pliers and a piece of baling wire.

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Both my Mother and Dad have passed on; well I am 83, so that kind of figures. About 1960-65, Shirley and I visited them in Mineral Wells, Texas. I took my video camera with me, even though it was large and bulky. Sure glad I did however, because I interviewed both Mother and Dad and we talked mostly about their earlier days.

When he was in his mid-twenties, he heard that a pipe line company was looking for someone to operate a pipe laying machine. Dad was looking for work at the time, so he told a buddy about what he had heard and they both went to see if they could get a job.

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Anne Ahira | Anand Mann

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Why The World's Markets Have Entered Into The Bear Phase by Anand Mann

Equity and financial markets had come crashing down in late January and most of the players were not able to recover from those lows that the market fall again and significantly way below the January levels.

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The mood among the investing community has shifted from buying on decline to selling on rallies. The failure of Baer Stearns has just validated the fact that there is certainly more underneath then we all first thought. This bear market may last more than the previous one in 2001 when the US economy able to come out of shallow recession very rapidly.

This time it is believed that the mess is too big not only for the Fed to manage but also to bring the economy back on track. The three core reasons why this time it will be harder than before is Mortgage back security and housing market bust is here to stay and it will not only take more than just couple of quarters to clean up. Slowing economy will increase the default rate and more write down can lead to further contraction in the economy. Dare we say that excess demand and foreclosures may lead to empty neighborhoods?

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Anne Ahira | Christian Fea

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - The Win-Win Of Joint Ventures By Christian Fea

Forming a partnership with another company can be a great marketing injection into the revenues of your business. By combining your strengths, you will become a greater force in your industry. However, making it a win-win situation does require careful consideration.

Creating the joint venture groundwork

First you will have to know your company, inside and out. That means that you have a clear understanding of your own vision, and you also know how the public receives you. Once you have determined these elements, it will be the rock on which you are founded. When searching for the right partner, your vision cannot be compromised - and if that means moving onto the next candidate, then that is the only option in a win-win joint venture.

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Analyzing prospective partners

Next, do your homework to find a company that is genuinely interested in a joint venture. If you are a small business, you can look for other small business to team up with - allowing you to become a competitor of a larger company. Both of you will win in this situation. However, small and large companies should both be open to a joint venture together, as this too could be a benefit to both.

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Anne Ahira | Oscar Salcedo

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Unique Home Business Ideas - Oscar Salcedo Article

Working from home covers a very large spectrum of home business ideas. When it comes right down to it you could turn just about anything into a legitimate business. This is especially true if you research your business niche and have a "never give up" attitude. Too many people believe that the above statement is not true. They might feel like they do not have a specialty to build a business upon that would earn them enough income to support themselves and their family. In today's business world the statement above is completely true and hopefully this article can show people from all walks of life that there is a home business with their name on it. This article is going to cover some of the more unique home business ideas out there.

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There are many home businesses that use your home as the main place of business but will also get you out and into the world. If you are a person who is really into physical fitness by working out and eating right there may be a business hiding within that interest. Consider becoming a personal trainer. Although there is not any training required it would be a good idea for you to take a few health classes for the safety of your clients. You could be traveling to different homes helping people get in shape one session at a time. There are many home business ideas that allow you to interact with people outside the home on a daily basis. If you enjoy having parties for your family and friends think about becoming a party caterer/planner. This job would be similar to a wedding planner although you would be providing plans and food for parties such as retirement, birthdays, or even baby showers. A home business like this is a great way to add a personal touch to your everyday work.

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Anne Ahira | Dean McNeely

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - How To Sift Through Various LTL Freight Carriers To Find The Best Rates - Dean McNeely Article

LTL Trucking Companies

With the vast choices of less than truck load trucking companies available throughout the country, one can get a little confused sometimes in choosing the right LTL trucking company that would most suit their business operations. In fact, many business operators are at a loss for choice when it comes to picking the most compatible LTL trucking company for their business.

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So, what does one look at when searching for the right motor freight trucking company to work with? Do you just pick the one with the cheapest less than truck loadtrucking fare or do you work with one that provide you with better service but at a higher rate? One of the most important points of selecting an LTL trucking company is reliability. You must be able to rely on your selected motor freight trucking company at all times that your shipments will be picked up and delivered on schedule. It is no use working with a less than truckload carrier that offers you the cheapest price in town, but they are unable to deliver their promises to you. When you fail to have your shipments delivered to your customers on time, the losses incurred could be even higher than if you have had just hired an less than load trucking company that charges slightly higher but are able to offer you better service accountability.

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Anne Ahira | Debbie N Turner

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Taking Vacations - Perfect Rx For Stress Management - Debbie N Turner Article

Ever imagined yourself alone in the beach, quietly reading your favorite book or listening to that album you've put out for so long? If your answer to this question is yes, then it's time for you to start packing and begin that long awaited, well-deserved vacation. Today more than ever in history, stress has become a prominent concern. Different kinds of stress-related issues affect each individual in various levels. One simple way to relieve this is by taking a vacation. It may sound easier said than done however, many would attest to the immense effect this activity had on their lives.

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Vacations, whether just for an extended weekend or a full two-week out in the country trip, are not only meant for only those people who burn the midnight oil. Professionals and non-professionals alike, employees at all levels in all jobs, should set aside time for themselves, their family or friends.

Taking time away is a perfect time to relax and not be bothered by the hustle and bustle of the corporate or everyday world. If you have it coming, make sure to use up those paid vacation leaves. You've earned it.

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Anne Ahira | Erik Salmon

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Corporate Credit Building Scams - Erik Salmon Article

Warning! You have probably heard a lot of different companies making claims about how they can guarantee to get your business or corporation, credit. They may say things like, "with our credit building program, we guarantee that you will get up to $20,000 or $50,000" and so on.

The key wording is "up to", because they really do not know if you will get the full amount of funding needed for your business. What they know that you do not is the lending criteria of the common business creditors. They know the most likely creditors that will say yes based off of your business credit profile and your personal credit scores.

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These can be valuable services, since they can help to decrease the time it takes to fund your business and help to find the creditors that are more likely to approve your credit application. However, what is not in the sales copy is the fact that most of the credit building relies on retail vendor credit, such as, your local office supply stores or home supply stores to build out a Dun & Bradstreet credit profile.

To obtain "real money" lines of credit, you are going to need a good personal credit score of at least 620 but preferably 680 or better. Don't worry bad credit does not stop you from building credit in your business the process may just take longer.

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Anne Ahira | Diya Moraes

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - Document Output Management In Banking And Financial Services - Diya Moraes Article

Modern enterprises spend considerable time and resources creating, managing, changing and delivering documents essential to their business. According to IDC, companies spend up to 10 per cent of their revenue on managing document production, distribution and associated devices. The advent of innovative and powerful document management solutions promise to shrink that margin significantly - while vastly bettering procedural efficiency.

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Document Output Management:

What and Why?

Defined simply, document output management provides an enterprise with a single point of management and control of all devices, jobs and queues on the documentation front. It maximizes economy by:

* Centralizing control of the output environment directly with IT professionals

* Empowering end-users to solve many issues themselves

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Anne Ahira | Francisco Segura

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - What is Web Hosting? - Francisco Segura Article

The definition of web hosting is when an organization provides a service where people can have their own online internet identity. If you want others to see your website you will need one of these and depending on whether it is a commercial site or not will dictate how much you pay but it is possible to have this at no charge (with restrictions).

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Many types exist, some provide free hosting but with these types you pay the price of having restricted facilities that usually allow the likes of blogs, email and basic websites to be accessed. However, if you're planning to expand you should shift to a paid service as free web hosting only gives you limited space and sub-domains for your site.

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Anne Ahira | Laura Davis

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - What is Document Archiving? - Laura Davis Article

Organisational archives tend to contain important administrative, business and official correspondence documents, whilst if an individual was to collect an archive then this may consist of a variety of things including; diaries, photographs, birth records for example. Some examples of the different types of archives that exist include the National Archive that contains the national census, birth deaths and marriages, population records and army figures for the past few hundred years. On a smaller scale there is an archive on Andy Warhol at the Andy Warhol museum and an archive of some 1400 Charles Darwin's letters in Cambridge; demonstrating the archives are not limited to one topic or type the only similar significant factor is that they all tend to document something or someone over a sustained period of time.

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Given the nature of many archives, maintaining the records within the archive can be a very laborious process. Depending on how old the items are or their material an archive might have to be maintained through the monitoring of the environmental conditions within the archive and stabilized through the use of a preservation specialist. No matter how big or small, old or new your archive is, many archivist's invest in high quality containers for the documents and items to be placed in; it has been known for comic book collectors, a comic book collection can be considered a archive, to invest in fire proof and digitally locked filing cabinets to ensure the protection of their comic book archive.

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Anne Ahira | Fabienne Fredrickson

Anne Ahira News - Ahira - You MUST Say Yes To The Business (And Income) Within Your Reach

QUOTE: "The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon one's self to destiny." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Have you ever felt on the verge of something big in your business, that the next level is just within your reach, and at the same time, wondering if you have what it takes to make it happen, if you can actually handle it? I've curiously observed this within the last couple of weeks in my two MasterMind groups I'm running and with the two private clients I still have.

I wondered, Why is everyone around me so afraid of the next level? Why don't they just reach out for it and make it happen? Well, it dawned on me that my clients are essentially holding up a mirror for ME too, as deep inside I've been feeling the same thing.

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You see, things have been going great in this business, and yet, there's this nagging feeling within me that the next BIG level is about to show up. And at the same time, it seems I'm being asked by the Universe to really STEP UP my personal growth. "Healer, heal thyself". I'm seeing how, to teach others about this 'Marketing and Mindset' stuff on a GRAND scale, I must surrender even more to what's possible for me. You'd think this would be easy, but somehow, for both my clients AND for me, it's still a challenge.

Several experiences have come up recently where my "old" way of being showed up as no longer valid, especially not for a business that's about to grow dramatically. And normally, I take a no-excuses approach to clearing out that kind of stuff. But this time, the stuff is more lodged in than normal and I've been battling whether I am "willing" to do what it takes. I'm questioning my courage this time around.

And then a good friend sent me a copy of the movie "The Moses Code" this week, saying knowingly, "This is what you need, Fabienne". And within chapter 5 of the movie, I broke down and sobbed. Not from sadness, but for the humbling potential of what is possible for anyone, for my clients, and for me. The message of the movie for me was simple: We all have a destiny for greatness. And as "The Moses Code" says, it can be a little scary to tackle an idea so big. The calling for our next stage of evolution (and success) is always upon us. There is a journey that you are being asked to take, something very big.

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Anne Ahira | Moriam Ojelade

Anne Ahira News - Ahira 15 Amazing Ways To Super-Charge Your Business Success - Moriam Ojelade Article

We decided it would be fun to interview 10 of the smartest marketing gurus
we know, including 7 multi-millionaires, about the best ways to increase
customer and cash flow for just about any business.

What we got were a variety of fresh, innovative ideas -- and once you read
them, you will know that they came from a group of folks who have already
made it big in businesses of their own.

-------------------Visit Anne Ahira student blog -

The following are the "15 Best" ideas for super charging your business, no
matter what kind of business you are in.

1. "Same-Old" is out -- Getting attention with something new is in. To get
new business, you must strive to be innovative and dramatic. For example,
an insurance agency, offered "the biggest steak dinner in town" if it
couldn't save any person money on their car insurance. This challenge was
enough to make the telephone start ringing off the hook for days at a time.
The customer flow was "absolutely crazy" for days. The bottom line:
dozens of new insurance buyers and tons of new cash flow -- and all they
had to do was fork out the cost for a half dozen steak dinners!

2. Tight target marketing. The big job in marketing and sales is getting
to the right people inside another company. Addressing mail to "Facilities
Manager" or printing a "routing slip" on the outside of the envelope is
ineffective. Hitting the target is the challenge. Scoring a bull's eye means
making contact with the right individuals and is the only way to make the
sale. Taking time to be highly targeted in business communication is

3. Be more creative. Pushing direct-mail pieces out the door or sending
the newsletter to the mail room isn't doing the job. Ask yourself: "Will
anyone be intrigued enough to read the mailer--before tossing it in the
wastebasket?" Ask the same question about the company newsletter. A highly
creative approach is necessary to be different and distinctive. Creativity
costs money. But, if more people read the ad, take time with the newsletter
or decide that the offer in a mailer makes sense, you have accomplished the

4. Focus on what customers care about. After listening to the admissions
director talk about what should be shown in the school's new recruiting
video, the marketing consultant asked, "Is this what parents and prospective
students are interested in knowing?" Suddenly, everyone became less
confident. Someone suggested asking the student tour guides what questions
the visiting parents and kids asked? Whether creating an ad, a brochure, or
a sales presentation, knowing what the customer wants, needs and expects is
what works.

5. Tell customers how to think about your company. People come to conclusions
by making comparisons. If you don't let customers and prospects know why it
is in their best interests to do business with you or buy your product, they
won't. The rating of life insurance companies makes an impact on customers.
The J.D. Powers' customer-satisfaction survey on cars and personal computer
manufacturers influences buying behavior. Wise companies spend time and
effort consciously influencing the way they are perceived by
customers, prospects, bankers and stockholders.
Source :

Rewrite by : Anne Ahira student

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

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